jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Spooky Spooky

When October got here, we all got very excited! October is the spookiest month of the year! HALLOWEEN is in the air.

The week before the 31st of October our school turned a bit creepy, witches flew around our heads, with bats and other spooky creatures playing with them.


But Halloween doesn’t have to be all scary, we can make it fun!
We’ve been reading loads of stories, learning lots of new songs, and making terribly nice crafts…
Monkeys really like ghosts, so we made ghost out of our hands, that was fun! And another day we made some spooky ghosts with cotton wool to go on our Halloween door.

The lions and explorers drew their favorite Halloween monsters, and one day we made mummies, with toilet paper instead of bandages. We had a lovely time, and we also learnt a bit  about them. Mummies are old Egyptians that were buried all wrapped up, so their bodies wouldn’t rot, and on Halloween Night they come out to play with the rest of their friends.

When the snakes found out that Halloween was coming, they wanted to make a scary craft to show the rest of their friends here in the infants. Jorge said he wanted to make a zombie dinosaur, Ricardo drew a scary one-eyed monster, Carlos and Marlene made lots of little pictures of Halloween things… you wouldn’t believe how scary some of these pictures were!!

As you know snakes are the oldest, so some crafts had to be a bit harder, they learnt a new painting technique, have a look at the result, I think these bats are brilliant!

Like we always say, songs and dancing are definitely our thing… and more so if we can get to be monsters and scary things while we dance and sing!

And finally the day arrived! HALLOWEEN. We came all dressed up with scary costumes, and played “boo” all morning. In the afternoon we went down to do trick or treat with the children in primary. We all really enjoyed ourselves and then we stuffed our faces with sweets!

Halloween is over, but I'm sure we'll remember it for some time, and before we know it, it will be Christmas time!

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